Gone are the days of which you are looking for trillions of people to Like your page or to follow you. Your company and brand now craves a more engaged audience that is ready to do business.

7 ways to embrace social media techniques with some key recipe components:

1. All of us have those friends who post long items about Republicans and other news that does not make it to the t.v., but we stop reading their information because it’s too long too boring. We’d rather click on the photo of the cute dog or cat, but still has an important message or quote at the bottom of the photo. Also, when we meet strangers we usually find things that we can both relate to – do the same in social media.


2. Success is not measured according to the amount of emails or likes obtained. People will always remember how you made them feel. How do they feel when they visit your page or business?

3. Expand your reach across several platforms in order to help in making your message more viral. Friends share information across all formats and they do it on more than the social network of Facebook.

4. Questionnaires for giveaways, engaging games, and other creative ways create a platform of where the company learns about their customers. Giving your customers a chance to express themselves will allow you to learn more. The same rule applies when first meeting someone and you want to learn about them – you are more quiet because you want to hear more about them. The same applies in this digital format.

5. People do business with people they like. Enough said.

6. Respect your customers. Let’s face it, they want something – good service and if they are following you on social media they are expecting that you will offer more than pictures of your lunch special or upcoming products for sale. They want to participate in the contest that will get them a 75% off discount or a free massage.

7. Creativity and triggering emotions – that is what you want your customer to remember when they leave you because the next time they see your name they will remember that. No one wants to be sold to, but everyone wants to be sold to – in a creative way. Make that creativity a part of your brand.